How Can I Learn Dirty Talk? Sex Whispering?
So I really like the phrase ‘use your words!’ especially when it comes to sex. So in this blog, we will be looking at or listening to how to start Talking dirty, sexy, naughty, nasty, or whatever you want to call it. Add it to the bedroom acts is an exciting way to bring your sex play to the next level. You can apply dirty talk before or during your erotic encounter. A few sexy lines whispered to your partner of things to come while you’re out and about will definitely have them racing to get you home. And a few naughty phrases moaned during the act can really make things hot. Hearing positive feedback from your partner can also be a great confidence builder, and the great thing about talking dirty is that there is no wrong way to do it!

If you’re starting from nothing, dip your toes into the dirty talk pool with some simple moans and groans. Give a sigh or have a catch in your breath. Starting to become vocal in the act will make you more comfortable when it comes time to say it with words.
If you’re feeling shy or not sure what to say, just stick to basic phrases. Keep it simple sexy.
“You’re so sexy”
“I love it when you _____ my _____”
“Lick me here”
“That feels so good”
“Touch me in my favorite spot”
“I’m going to _____ your_____”

These simple phrases and more sound super erotic when said into your partner’s ear. Just give a verbal play by play of what is happening. Tell your partner what you’re about to do to them. That will also help keep you present, and your mind on task. Everyone loves compliments, especially in the bedroom!
If you’re looking to up the ante and get down to business, try out these lines.
“Let’s see how many times I can make you come”
“You’re so wet and taste delicious”
“I love the feeling of you in my mouth”
“I’m coming”
“Come on my face”
“You can put in anywhere”
As your confidence builds, you can work in more naughty phrases and words into your repertoire. If you and your partner are comfortable, try some vulgarity! Get nasty with it. Also, realise that what goes on in the bedroom does not necessarily translate into real life. For example, your partner might like it when you call them a whore in while in the act, but they may not like being called a whore in public. Talking dirty is something for fun and should never be used maliciously against your partner.
Do you feel like you’re ready to give dirty talking a try?
Just remember to be comfortable and yourself. Start off simply by saying what is happening or on your mind, then you can build the heat from there. Don’t worry if you misspeak or think you say the wrong thing, just laugh it off. Sex is supposed to be fun! And remember, when it comes to talking dirty in the bedroom, everything is OK here.