Reasons Your Stomach Hurts After Sex And Why.
When you experience stomach pain after sex, you’re probably wondering what the is going on, and how to make it stop. Any kind of stomach discomfort is horrible, but it feels especially unfair when you’re doubled-over in pain after something that’s supposed to be, well, pleasurable.
Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., an ob-gyn at

Sexual Position .
When patients see Minkin about pain after sex, she first asks them what position they do most. If you always have pain after missionary or doggy style, it could be because of the deep penetration
What you can do: First try over-the-counter pain medications, like Motrin or Tylenol. “Taking one or two an hour before sex can be very helpful for some women,” She also recommends trying a position where you’re on
The key is choosing a position where you have more “control over the depth and frequency of penetration,” explains Ja Hyun Shin, M.D., director of the pelvic pain clinic in the department of Women’s Health and Obstetrics & Gynecology at Montefiore Health System. She suggests trying a sideways position, like spooning, that allows for more shallow penetration.
Endometriosis happens “when the lining of the uterus (womb) grows outside of the uterus,” according to the Office on Women’s Health. Pelvic pain during and after sex is one of the most common symptoms of the condition, Shin says.
When you have a severe form of endometriosis of the pelvis, you can have dense adhesions in the pelvic area. “Deep penetration [during sex] can cause severe pain because all your organs
What you can do: Go to your doctor. Even though you’re having stomach pain, your doc will probably ask you about your overall history with vaginal pain. Do you have pain with your periods? Are you bleeding heavily? She may then suggest an ultrasound or laparoscopy,