Why “Cock Size” really, truly, honestly means nothing to me…
The beautiful Hotkiss67 from Fetlife lays it all on the table explaining why “Cock Size” really, truly, honestly means nothing
I don’t know where it starts, whether it be the locker room at school or porn, but most men I’ve ever known have had a thing about the size of their cock. Most believing that it should be bigger, thicker, stick up when erect instead of out….something.
I can only speak with authority about myself, but I’m willing to bet a good majority of women feel the same way I do about this issue. Actually, we women talk, so what I am about to say I have also heard a lot of other women say too.
Your cock size doesn’t matter.
I’m going to say it again.
Your cock size DOESN’T matter.
No one iota. The size of your cock will NEVER be the determining factor in whether I think you are sexy or a good lover. Not now, not in the past and certainly not in the future.
Your cock size will never determine how manly in my eyes you are or are not. Your behaviour toward me and others will, but not your cock size.
Why not? Well, simply put, I have this nifty thing called a vagina that actually accommodates a significant size range. It contracts and expands as needed and during orgasm, it’s been known to actually push out invaders during orgasmic contraction. Now, I ain’t special fellas. All vagina’s tend to function that way. Another interesting factoid is that the nerve endings that give those same vaginas pleasurable feelings don’t extend that far up into the vagina. Once again, size is not the determining measure in a woman’s pleasure.
Another thing most men don’t seem to know is that the simple basic in and out isn’t the be all and end all. Quite a few well-endowed men seem to think that all they need to do is stick their cock in and out and we womenfolk will be awash in pleasure. Um, nope. Chances are he’s more in love with his cock than I would ever be and he is what I fondly refer to as a “one trick pony”. The main problem with this is that a guy that relies solely on the size of his cock hasn’t likely developed any other skills. That in turn means at some point I’m liable to be looking up at the ceiling and thinking what colour I should paint it. “Beige, I think I’ll paint it beige”. To be blunt, if that’s all that’s gonna happen, I’m going to get bored quick no matter how big or small your cock is. In conversations with other womenfolk, I am aware that I am not alone in thinking and feeling this.
While I’m at it, I might as well address another big fallacy that a lot of men seem to think they need to do. You do NOT have to be hard for hours on end and never cum until I’m well and truly satisfied. Seriously. Stop it. I’ll let you in on a little secret. My ego is secretly pleased when fucking me feels so goddamn good to you that you cum hard and fast when you are inside me and “can’t hold back”. Again, conversations with other women has confirmed I am also not alone in that primal response to premature ejaculation. I want you to feel like sex with me is amazing! Who wouldn’t?
Here is a bit of a warning, though, and where one trick ponies run into trouble. Just because you came, it doesn’t mean everything’s over. Once you’ve recovered from your own orgasm, don’t forget to help your partner get to a good place herself. Be inventive. You have only one cock, but you also have two hands and a mouth and a visit to your local head shop will provide you with plenty of toys to assist your lady in getting to her happy place. Use whatever she and you are comfortable with and enjoy.
Many women have the luxury of being multi-orgasmic. This is a key piece of information for you guys to pay attention to. Even if I cum when you do, I’m ready, willing and able to cum lots more. The BEST lovers know this and use this information to their advantage.
I have yet to hear a woman say “He made me cum so hard and so often that I couldn’t even stand or say my name when he finished with me, but he has a small cock so I’m gonna have to dump him”. It just isn’t gonna happen. Do you really care HOW you came, so much as whatever she is doing to you felt so good that you DID cum? Handjob, blowjob, vaginal sex, anal sex….does it really matter how? Then why in Hades do some of you men think it matters a fig to women HOW you made them cum, just so long as you do indeed make her cum? If you’ve taken the time to know my body well enough to make me orgasm over and over again, the LAST thing I’ll be thinking about is the size of your cock, or how long you went without cumming yourself. I’ll be too busy trying to catch my breath and trembling from aftershocks to be worried about that. In fact, I may be so wet and wrapped up in my own reactions that I might have to actually ask if you came or not.
Wanna know an even bigger secret? If you ARE able to make me forget how to speak and think of nothing but how good you make me feel, those good feelings are going to be associated with YOU aaaaaaand I’m going to want to do that again with you. I’m going to want to do it again, a lot!!! With you. Not Johnny SoandSo with the 10 inch cock. YOU! Cuz you showed me you actually know how to play my body like an instrument to get the desired result and weren’t relying solely on PIV sex.
Now in general, I don’t think cock shot pictures are all that wonderful to look at and don’t in general get turned on by the mere sight of a man’s cock. There is a huge “BUT” here, however. If you and your cock have made me feel like the sexiest woman alive, and I’ve cum with you over and over again – I’m liable to really have a huge thing for YOUR cock. I will want to play with it, make it hard, make it soft, make it jump and twitch. I will become fascinated with YOUR cock and think it is indeed a thing of beauty and strength and happily worship it and you. The feel of it pressed up against me will make me hot and want you. The size of it will have absolutely NOTHING to do with that.
Just thought some of you men could use knowing this.
Hotkiss67 wrote this great post on Fetlife and then gave us permission to share it here.