This is the profile of the person most likely to be cheating on you…
If you’re dating a Nathan or a Megan who fits this profile, they’re 100 per cent cheating on you (well just be cautious).
If you’re dating a Nathan or a Megan who fits this profile, they’re 100 per cent cheating on you (well just be cautious).
Graphoerotica which is the concept of writing sexual things on a slave like a billboard advertising campaign, slogans can be loving, tender, brutal & sexy.
In my weeks of talking to people in similar relationships to mine, and discussing all sorts of mono dilemmas. Some days, you just can’t.
DDlg or DD/lg is a dynamic in which one half of the relationship is the caregiver/dominant and the other is the childlike/submissive.
This is how to talk to people, I don’t know what happens to people online or fetlife, but it is as if people forget that they are talking to another human.
Having low sexual desire is a common reason couples go to sex therapy or counseling an issue so common that researchers dedicated articles to suggestions.
I went through/am going through a little phase of not really knowing if I am ‘submissive’ because I just do/take/ask for things when I want them.
Theres lots of ways to do polyamory. I’ve tried a few of them out I feel like, as I speak with other poly folk, I hear about lots of different rules…
I’m Rhys of Be Knot Afrayed, and the kind people here at You Only Wetter have asked me to do a couple of guest blogs and tutorials around the art of rope bondage, or “Shibari” as it’s sometimes known.
I’m one of those lovers who’s girlfriends have never confessed to me that they’ve faked an orgasm at all. “Confessed” is even a strong term for admitting this. As the idea that many women “fake...
We have all seen those posts on Impossible Sex Positions created to make us common folk feel like we are failing at sexual intercourse and therefore, life.
Sex, Love and Masochism, I was in my little zone, silently smiling beneath my hair, absorbing his warmth, his love, his care and his presence.