Tagged: couples

heart chest tattoo with flowers on womans chest with cleavage 0

A swift one

Maybe I’m like the Taylor Swift of the blogging world,  It seems I only blog when I’m angry, upset or miserable which I guess from the serious lack of blogs recently must mean I’m...


A whole world of pain.

Firstly apologies, you’re reading a blog on a site dedicated to sexual pleasure and you find one entitled a “whole world of pain” so you’ve set yourself up thinking ‘This’ll be good! something about...



More power to those who can sustain a lifelong monogamous relationship, they are blessed. In practice the rest of us have to stop expecting to have permanent relationships, find the love of our life,...



Ok so it’s been less than a week since it all happened. I’ve so far been through the stages of denial, Maybe she’ll come back, if I tell her how I feel she’ll see...