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Tinder The McDonald’s of the online dating world: it’s fast, easy, and can sometimes leave you feeling physically ill. Below are a few scenarios that will definitely happen to you, if they haven’t already...
Ok, none of these are really “secrets” of any kind…but you gotta admit, its a catchy title. 😉 At any given point in time, there are countless submissive types struggling to find a dominant...
I’ve heard from more than one source that men who like women are reluctant to ask women to play because they don’t want to come across as creepers.
Want more oral sex but feel weird about asking for it? Truth is, most guys really want to go below the belt—some just need a little more encouragement They say all’s fair in love...
Women it may come as a bit of a shock to you but men have a different set of eyes to you. When YOU gaze into the mirror, you may see a tooth that is...
Why we all need to do a self-check for tolerance and acceptance So searching around on the net I found this Great blog by Cunning Minx over at poly weekly the original blog is here There...
Metal Worx – Mr Smooth Dildo from Pipedream It’s true to say that dildos have been around for thousands of years, with depictions of their use in the drawings that adorned the walls of...
Travelling with Sex Toys There are a few precautions you can take to ensure there is no embarrassment at the airport and your toys all arrive in workable order. Choosing a toy that is...
In case you needed another reason to get close between the sheets, we came up more than a handful of Benefits of sex. With Cold and flu season here. Does this mean doctors should...
YouOnlyWetter offers a massive range of vibrators in multiple shapes, colours, textures and sizes. It can be difficult picking the best vibrator for you and that is why YouOnlyWetter has produced a detailed vibe guide to...
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With so many different vibrators to choose from it can be a challenge finding which vibrator is best for you. The first thing you need to think about is what you want to use the vibrator for. If you are looking for clitoral stimulation then you might want a silicone or jelly vibrator made from soft material or alternatively something more firm. If you would like a vibrator for internal stimulation then consider the shape and size of the toy.