The 15 Things That Will Happen If You Use Tinder
The McDonald’s of the online dating world: it’s fast, easy, and can sometimes leave you feeling physically ill. Below are a few scenarios that will definitely happen to you, if they haven’t already
1. You will come across your Ex’s profile
2. You will get propositioned via EMOJI.
3. You will realise how outdated the Facebook pages you like are.
4. You will match with a celebrity
5. You will have a casual chat with a sex bot.
6. You will have an intense 40 minute conversation about House of cards and never speak again.
7. You will compare dogs and never speak again.
8. You will match with this Notorious Online Dater.
9. And you will get this exact message from him:
10. You will debate the real issues.
11. You will go on an impromptu date and hook up.
12. You will get compliments.
13. You will be Trolled by this Girl.
14. You will Struggle to be Understood.
15. You will meet the love of your Life.
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