Category: BDSM
Use Lube: A Kinky Parody of *Wear Sunscreen*
Playing around on one of the many sites i play on i found this 🙂 it made me giggle and remember when Confessions of a Plenty of Fisher… made one for work 🙂 Newbies entering the...
A Slaves Manual
SLAVE RULES OF BEHAVIOR PURPOSE The purpose of these rules is the following: 1) Gives pleasure and utility to the Master. 2) Gives the slave reassurance of her place in the relationship, that she...
In this book you will find 20 hot and steamy short stories about women that want other women. From sensual soft sinarios to rampant ravishing rendevouz- this book is a must read! Here is...
Stolen moments
Sunday was an interesting day. I had people visiting and ‘she’ was being flirtatious. As I cooked and the guests entertained themselves she came into the kitchen. “I’m horny baby” “You look hot, give...
Gym he said / she said part two
My pussy is exposed and open wide I feel vulnerable , I keep thrusting my hips to allow your cock to enter me my pussy is throbbing for your huge wide length. You place...
Gym he said / she said
It’s been a little while since we posted a he said / she said story so here goes. Oh and she is Bawdry Hepburn if you haven’t already worked it out! Your working out...
Odaxelagnia sexual arousal through biting
Odaxelagnia I like biting I like to bite I like to be bitten. The scientific name for this is Odaxelagnia. According to Wikipedia odaxelagnia is a paraphilia. A paraphilia is derived from the Greek...
Ilse (Italian)
La vide seduta sulla poltrona del club a subito desiderò possederla. Era stupenda! Bionda, 40 anni ben portati, un bel fisico atletico e soprattutto due gambe mozzafiato inguainate da meravigliose calze di nylon nere....
Consenting adults.
We’ve talked before about ‘rape’ scenarios and as a couple we have dabbled a few times. It’s up to you to decide if you think it’s right or wrong, we’re consenting adults, it’s role...