What is the most intimate, non-sex thing you do with your partner?
So today’s blog is going to be looking at your relationship/relationships and thinking of all the couples’ things you do, little quirks you share, wholesome moments you have, and all the romance that accumulates throughout the years. I found this thread on r/AskWomen where 2800 people shared and discussed their answers to the question above “What is the most intimate, non-sex thing you do with your partner?”
Surprise surprise it turns out that intimacy differs so much from one couple to another but I think we all would say the thing that prevents intimacy in long-term relationships is lack of time, couples initially get together they prioritise quality time going on dates, picnics, to the movies, spending long mornings in bed together, etc but the trend across the lifespan of a relationship is for these shared activities to gradually reduce.
Then you’re left with two people wondering: how did we drift apart? So for closeness to flourish, it needs the right conditions, and the most important of these is time so here are some of my favourites from the thread, have a look and pick 2 to do this month not a big challenge and if you are here reading a post like this I think you really know you need it.

Number 1,
Piano Time

Number 2,
Maximum Security

So how do we start again? A great question to ask yourself and your partner is “What were the things we used to do that made us close in the first place? Maybe you went camping together or saw friends together, and simply texted each other memes more often” Whatever these things are, they can be reintroduced into the relationship to rekindle closeness.
If you are struggling to build emotional intimacy in your relationship, the secret is it’s all about openness. If you’re not open with your partner, you can’t expect real connection – because you’re not giving them the real you to connect with. But opening up can be scary! You might hear a voice in your head telling you not to be vulnerable, because you will seem weak, or not to show how weird you really are, because you will be judged. It’s astonishing how much of ourselves we can hold back even with the people closest to us. To build intimacy, you have to disregard that toxic inner voice and be authentic about who you are and what you need from your partner.
The thing is everyone if you both open up, you end up knowing each other deeply, which is the path to deep connection and intimacy, again that thing I keep saying is COMMUNICATION IS KEY.
Number 3,
Scratching back and head

Number 4,
Cry together!

Number 5,

I read to the kids every night and I have started recording the first 1:45min (max for a WhatsApp message) of every chapter to send to a loved one even when they are not there for me to read to them, I know they don’t always listen to the whole thing but it shows I am thinking about them as well. Showing these tips don’t have to be when they are there. You can do this, try it, it’s a little scary at first but show someone, you love them truly.
Number 6,
Cook together.

Wanna try this one and don’t know what to cook what not try a Hello Fresh box, which comes with the recipe and everything you need have a free box on me here.
Number 7 (The last one.)
Clean each other.