The Other Woman…
My first attempt at creative writing on here “The Other Woman…”
He picked me up from the station sometime after 3. Check in was at 3 and we didn’t want to waste a minute of our time together. I was still sat on the train at 3.20, waiting to pull in, texting eagerly, clutching my ticket in my hand, ready to speed through the barriers and into his car.
I sat down in the passenger seat. He kissed me, then looked me up and down and started driving. I always feel really couply when I’m sat in a car with a man I’m fucking. I was his girl for the day, and he was all mine… Well, mostly anyway.
We checked in at the front desk. The room was in my name – a Miss in her mid 20s booked into the cheapest, most convenient hotel she could find. The woman at the desk knew what we were there for.
We got into our room, and things started very slowly… I wanted music so he asked me to sort out the WiFi on his laptop. He leant behind me, rubbing himself against me impatiently. He picked me up, carried me over to our bed for the night, and threw me down, before walking back over to his laptop. Within minutes, I heard the opening bars of Head Like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails. He’d put on Pretty Hate Machine as I’d requested while we were discussing what music would best drown out my screams of pleasure.
After he’d had me once, we nipped out for snacks and a smoke to refuel, him fully dressed in his jumper and jeans, and me in my boots, dress and coat, and nothing underneath. He laughed at me as I coughed every time I took a drag, which I guess only made me seem more sweet and innocent, and more irresistible. When we got back, he was already zoning out (I hadn’t smoked nearly enough). We fucked some more and decided to go for a drive and a walk (I wouldn’t let him smoke in the hotel room). He drove us to a secluded place and we walked. We spoke about my family, my upbringing, my interests, my passions and my desires. At some point, he took my hand, and it felt so natural.
He looked at me and told me ‘if I didn’t have a girlfriend, I’d have a girlfriend because I’d have you’.
We drove back to the hotel, he ordered us pizza, no longer caring what showed up on his bank statement. We snuggled, fucked, spooned and fell asleep.
This morning we woke up with the sun at 5.55am. I scrambled out of bed to close the curtains and fell asleep in his arms once again. He got out of bed at 7, and went for a smoke while I made us both tea and finished my leftover pizza. When he got back, we quickly finished the tea and he fucked me so hard I could not finish. I showered and slipped last night’s dress back on. We were ready to leave, and to go our separate ways, never to meet again.
He sat on the bed, listening to something on YouTube. He told me to walk over to him. We kissed smiley kisses. I straddled him. He flipped me over, lifted my dress over my bum, and fucked me from behind (again), with my tights and knickers around my ankles. I sucked him off one last time, and we kissed.
When he dropped me off, he told me I was special, and made empty promises to see me again. I already know that he won’t, but just for one night, I was somebody’s perfect, and I’ll never forget that feeling.