And the winner is…….
We have our Winner!!
Well firstly congratulations to everyone that entered, having read them all we can honestly say we are amazed at the talent out there!
We have been taken on a journey through a number of scenarios, and been titillated by a wide variety of topics. From bondage and submission, to love and romance, with some seriously good sci-fi thrown into the mix.
We had stories from both sides of the pond and its good to see our American writers are just as perverse as our European friends.
Our winning story builds the tension, willing you to read more to discover if the main character will find what she wants or be rejected. The interaction between characters is believable with an element of embarrassment and awkwardness coming across when they first get back together, which dissolves quickly.
The sexual descriptions feel real too with vulnerability in the characters. A good story that left us wanting more!
So without further ado, We would like to announce One Night in New York by Charlie Hadley as our winner!! Charlie will be able to access her prize of £100 to spend at YouOnlyWetter from Midnight tomorrow. Well done Charlie
Once again a huge thank you to everyone who took part. We will be running another competition soon, this time letting the audience choose the winner so watch this space!
Sam and the YouOnlyWetter team.