Travelling with Sex Toys
Travelling with Sex Toys
There are a few precautions you can take to ensure there is no embarrassment at the airport and your toys all arrive in workable order.

Remove the Batteries
A vibrating suitcase isn’t what you want when checking in so remember to remove the batteries from your toys. Make sure your luggage doesn’t give you away by your vibrator starting to buzz on its own, always remove the batteries from you vibrator or if it is rechargeable then make sure that the Travel lock is activated.
Keep It Clean
Sanitation is important for all parts of your life, Sex Toys included! Put your items in separate clear plastic bags. By keeping items in re-sealable plastic bags it stops them from being contaminated from handling if anyone needs to search your luggage.
Size Matters
The amount of liquids you can take in your hand luggage is limited, so make sure you stay within the limits or buy special Travel Bottles. If you are taking lube or toy cleaner remember that you can only have containers up to 100 ml in hand-luggage. Lots of lubricants come in different size bottles so make sure you look at the size before you buy – if it’s bigger than 100 ml then put it in your check-in luggage. If you are concerned about the container being explicit you can even decant some into a plain bottle.
No Pointy Objects
Be sensible and don’t take any sharp objects with you. Don’t pack banned items in your hand luggage. Most sharp items and liquid/gel filled items are typically not allowed so pack these in your check-in luggage. Also we suggest you avoid any metal items (dildos, butt plugs etc) or any items that could potentially look like a weapon.
Search and Seize
As we all know, airports have rigorous searching regulations and it’s likely you may have to be searched. Remember that the airport staff are within their rights to search your luggage and your person if they feel they have a reason to – so it’s much safer to just tell security staff if you have any items that may raise questions. It’s easier to come clean and tell security staff that the item is a sex toy rather than risk an embarrassing and potentially frightening situation at the airport.
Beware of Laws
Different countries have different laws, some of which ban sex toys so check it out before you go. Sex toys are illegal in India, UAE (Dubai, etc) and Saudi Arabia – also most don’t allow pornography. Some US states have a ban on sex toys and in some places, such as many parts of Africa and Asia and some Caribbean Islands, it is illegal to be gay or lesbian. If someone sees you with a sex toy (especially one that marks you as gay or lesbian) it could cause problems.
Don’t let a careless mistake ruin your holiday, do your research, stick to the rules and you’ll have a thrilling time!