Blow His Mind And Destroy His Cock
So sometimes you want to make love. And sometimes, you just want to fuck with some passion and really destroy your man’s cock. Check out these sexy positions below that’ll be sure to rock his cock off and put a smile on both of your faces!!
1. Flip-it-push-it-reverse-it Corkscrew
Have him lie on his back and mount him reverse-cowgirl style, facing his feet. Then go into a mini-backbend with the back of your head towards his face. Now grind into him like you’re trying to free a cork out of wine bottle with a broken corkscrew. The painful grip is sure to destroy his penis and make him scream in pain and pleasure!
2. One-Two Punch
Ok so this one’s not so much a sex position as it is an intimate way to relieve stress. After a long day of work, come home, light some candles, put on your favorite tunes, then punch your man in the dick. This will definitely take him by surprise, and you will most certainly destroy his penis watch the balls and make sure you’re ready to offer some hugs.
3. Never Ending
There are plenty of ways to satisfy your man without going all the way, Try giving him a hand-job and never stopping ever. His penis will be ruined.
4. Icy-Hot
Playing with temperatures is an easy and fun way to spice things up in the bedroom. An ice cube on his penis will feel amazing. Dry ice on his penis will burn off the skin.
5. The Raspberry Beret
Lots of men will tell you, they like it when you “go in through the out door.” So next time you get frisky, consider sticking a pinky in your man’s anus. To increase stimulation, have your man lie down on a cement floor, effectively mashing his erection into the ground.
6. Pretzel
Have your man sit in a chair. Sit in his lap and drape your legs over his shoulders. Cross your feet. Then have him twist his legs around each other in a figure-eight. Have him bend them underneath the chair and behind his back.
7. Choking The Snake
Tie his wrists to your bedposts using his neckties. That’s right, 50 Shades of Grey style! Then grab some silk ribbon and tie it around his penis (about two inches from the tip.) Then leave the room for a while. When you get back, his penis will likely be destroyed and raging.
Illustration by Carly Monardo