You should pee before and after having sex
Most women have always been told, “You should pee before and after having sex.” The logic behind this advice is that emptying your bladder before and after you fuck will somehow prevent a urinary tract infection.
Well, it turns out that’s not true. In fact, peeing before you have sex could increase the odds of developing a UTI.
According New York City urologist David Kaufman, MD, the “pee before sex” mantra is one of the biggest misconceptions he has to clear up with female patients. While urinating after sex is definitely important, he says going to the bathroom beforehand is a big no-no.
Why? During sex, vaginal bacteria can get pushed into your urethra (gross). Waiting to pee, and consequently having enough urine stored up to create a strong stream, increases the odds of pushing that bacteria back out. Without it, the bacteria can cause an infection (GROSS).
Urinating before sex “is the No.1 cause of post-coital urinary tract infections, also known as honeymoon cystitis,” Kaufman tells Yahoo Health. Having a solid stream afterward is crucial since the bacteria can be hard to dislodge.
“Bacteria have tiny pilli that act as Velcro hooks, which allow them to attach themselves to the urethral lining,” says Kaufman. If the bacteria isn’t dislodged, it can make its way into the bladder where it quickly reproduces and grows, creating a UTI.
While it may sound practical to try to rinse or wipe that bacteria away before sex to decrease the odds of developing a UTI, urologist Michael Ingber, MD, advises against it. “The vagina is a mucosal surface, which secretes its own lubrication and has its own ‘healthy’ bacteria,” he explains to Yahoo Health. “Typically, we don’t recommend altering this in any way.”
If you’re in the habit of peeing before sex all the time, some women report that they actually have better orgasms with a full bladder.
I really hope they’re not referring to squirting, because a full bladder of pee masquerading as squirt is a surefire way to ruin your evening.