An Anatomy lesson By Frankie_v
Anatomy lesson
Today the beautiful Frankie from Reddit made this Anatomy lesson and was great enough to share it with everyone as you can imagine it is NSFW, now if i was taught biology this way in school i would have listened a lot more. Now as i said Frankie is over from Reddit head on over and say hi , Thank you or comment below and i will share these with her 🙂
I’ve been brushing up on some anatomy for a clinic tomorrow, and I thought I’d give you guys a quick lesson.
Why not learn while you fap? 😉 Fun fact: both finger bones and toe bones are called phalanges. Each of the four lateral (outside) most fingers and toes have three, and the thumb and big toe have only two. Each individual bone is called a phalanx.
I really included the vermillion border because I like the name so much. It’s the lowest part of your lower lip there. Great for biting 😉
It’s getting a little warm in here. And how else can I show you everything properly?
The sternocleidomastoid is named such because of its attachment points: to the sternum, the clavicle and the mastoid process (bony, sticky outy bit behind your ear).
I love grabbing boobs!
I haven’t got big traps, but they’re obvious enough! Tight traps, especially in the upper and middle areas, can cause tension headaches.
Hmm, maybe next time I’ll include my stethoscope, makes things look more professional.
Those three muscles make up the palpable parts of the quadriceps; the fourth muscle is vastus intermedius, which lies underneath rectus femoris.
I hope the colour coding helps.
The linea alba is the line which runs down the middle of your abs, it’s a tendinous section of rectus abdominus. The ASIS is that pointy bit on your hip! It stands for Anterior Superior Iliac Spine.
The pubic tubercle is where the two halves of your pelvis meet in a joint, with a fibrocartilaginous disc in between. You should all know what a clitoris is…
For the feet fans out there…
Some other interesting landmarks not included: Navicular tuberosity Tuberosity of fifth metatarsal Sesamoid bones on the head of the first metatarsal Lateral malleolus (malleoli is the plural form)
Doggy has to be one of my favourite positions
The ITB (Ilio-Tibial Band) will be familiar to runners – if it feels tight guys, get into foam rolling! Gluteus medius can be found from the outside – just put your hand on the side of your butt, around where that text is, and stand on the opposite leg; you should feel it activate.
The ass looks fat.
The erector spinae is a group of muscles that hold the spine erect, hence the name. The PSIS is super easy to find on people with back dimples – just poke the dimples.
How’s the view?
The ischial tuberosity is part of your pelvis, it’s a bone you learn you have on your first day of snowboarding, when you bruise it. Also called your “sit bone”. The greater trochanter is the widest part of your hip, and is a part of your femur that lots of muscles attach to.
Tonight’s references
This is all very much unrelated to what I’m meant to be studying, but it’s a fun distraction! Some basic stuff that you can find on yourself 🙂
Now a quick note from Jon The Nudist, i want to say a HUGE thank you to Frankie and hope she will be doing some more soon, Comment below and ask ask ask then i go back and tell her how much shes loved!