“A House of Colours” Part 11 – Dreams & Dommes

The rain was lashing hard. Overflowing drains not coping with the down pour. It was late. Nobody on the streets except one girl.

Alone.Dark was running, faster and faster. It wasn’t clear who they were or how many of them, but they were gaining on her, they were after her again and she was scared, again. She felt herself screaming for her friend White but couldn’t hear her own words.

It was always raining.

She checked the barrel of her pistol, empty, not even one left in the chamber. She was sure she’d loaded it.

It was always empty.

She was confused, was it alcohol, had she been drugged? Was she gagged? It was getting darker, harder to see, her vision fading in and out, blurring. Turning back she couldn’t see them, but she knew they were there, coming for her. She dived into an alleyway, pushing past piles of rubbish, falling through trash cans. The rain pouring from overflowing gutters, she ran through puddles desperate for somewhere to hide. “Dark” she heard a whisper and stopped in her tracks looking around her desperately trying to open her eyes wider so she could see. She slumped to her knees, her , “Dark” a little louder, the voice was familiar, it was White, but she couldn’t see her friend in the darkness of the night. She felt someone’s arms around her and once again the same voice “Dark, it’s ok, you’re safe”. Suddenly it was brighter, she awoke.In the early hours of Monday morning, a bleary-eyed and naked Red stumbled out of her room, desperately needing to pee. As quietly as possible, she stood to wash her hands, glancing up and smiling at her red silk choker reflected in the mirror. Raising her head, she turned it from side to side, softly cooing as it slid across her neck. Suddenly, from one of the rooms she heard the faint sound of crying. As she crept back out into the shared corridor, it quickly became clear that the noise was emanating from White’s room next to her own. She noticed that Dark’s door was slightly ajar. Red’s first thought was to go straight to her own room and not intrude, but concern for her new housemates compelled her to stand outside of White’s door where she nervously listened while debating what to do. Standing there listening, she could work out that it was Dark crying from within the room, with the soft tones of White comforting her.

“It’s okay Dark. You’re safe. You’re not alone. I’m right here.” White spoke softly and lovingly, comforting her friend. “I’m s-s-sorry White. I d-d-didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s alright Dark, you know I don’t mind anytime. Do you want to talk about it?”
“It was jus-jus-just too real. I was frightened. I’m-m-m sorry”
“Shhhhh, I’m here. Come on, do you want to stay here, or shall I come back to your room with you?”

On hearing the choice presented, Red prepared to nip into her room but Dark’s response meant she need not move yet.

“Ca-can I really stay? I-I don’t want you to be uncomfortable in my room, b-b-but I don’t want to be alone.”
“You know you can always stay! Come on, lets snuggle down. The Mistresses will know where you are if they need you.”

Red couldn’t help but smile as she listened to the exchange, touched by the depth of care in White’s words to her friend. Their relationship gave her an incredible intensely warm feeling, but she wondered how and if she would ever fit in with this closely bonded pair. As she walked towards her own room, she saw Dark’s door, still ajar. This time, however, desperate for just a glimpse inside, she tiptoed towards it. She thought to herself that if she happened to see inside as she closed the door, it wouldn’t be snooping. She just wouldn’t go into the room. Red reached for the handle, but as she glanced inside expecting to see some light from the window above, she saw very little. Peering up at the ceiling, she spied a blind covering the roof light window. In the pitch black, it was difficult to make anything out. This seemed to be a bigger room. She thought she could make out dark patterned walls, naturally, along with a mirror and a chest of drawers. Nothing unusual. But then it dawned on her. She was so focused on registering all the things she could make out in the darkness, that she completely overlooked the one thing that wasn’t there. The reason the room looked so much bigger than her’s and White’s suddenly became obvious…there was no bed! In fact, she couldn’t see any hint of bedding at all. No bed, no covers, no pillows. Nothing.

As she stood there confused, trying to process what she was seeing and not seeing, a light switched on in the main bedroom through the archway. Out of sight in the corridor, she listened once more and heard her Mistress’ voice.”Sorry Saffron, I didn’t mean to wake you. I was just going to read a little bit.”

“That’s okay sweetie, you got to 3:00 am. It’s not too bad I suppose. Come here!” Red imagined the embrace that was happening just out of sight. She desperately wished that she could be there beside her Mistress as she and Saffron hugged.

“Don’t read. Let’s go up on the roof and sit under the stars like we used to.” The Goddess spoke soothingly.
“That sounds lovely,” the Mistress replied. “Let me fetch your gown for you.”

Red continued to listen silently as two sets of footsteps headed up the spiral staircase. Feeling a little naughty, she was compelled to sneak out into the vacated room. She crept to the staircase and softly inched her way up until her head had reached floor level, cautiously looking out. She spotted the pair out on the roof terrace, cuddled together on the bench seat, their backs to her as they looked out over the garden. Surprisingly, it was the Goddess who was upright on the chair, with Red’s Mistress evidently laying into her chest. Red could just make out snatches of their conversation.

“You’re not disappointed are you,” she heard her Mistress say.
“No sweetie. I said surprised, not disappointed,” the Goddess replied.
“Are you sure? You know I don’t ever want to upset you.”
“I know, and you haven’t Raven. I was half expecting it, of course. You wouldn’t have extended an invitation for the weekend if it hadn’t been in the back of your mind. You do know, however, that it goes against the rules of the order?”
“I do,” the Mistress sighed. “But the rules wouldn’t even have allowed us to live as we do! And anyways, when have you ever known me to follow the rules?”
“You learnt the rules. You know them as well as I,” the Goddess sighed. “What about the other girls?”
“They seem to get on well. She’ll be good for both of them.”
“You think so?”
“Yes, and she needs me.”
“She needs you? Or do you need her?”

The dark Mistress sat up and gazed away from her white counterpart.
“Raven, it wasn’t your fault!” The Goddess placed her arm around her. “We can’t save every girl we find. The order can only do so much. Maybe you should consider one of the other houses for her.”
Raven turned her head and gently swayed it side to side. “No, that’s not how it’s going to be!! She’s special, as are the other two.”
“You know you have my support no matter what, but you’ll need to go and ask permission. And you know what that means, don’t you?”
“Yes of course I do. She doesn’t scare me.”
“It’s not a matter of being afraid of her, she’s a pussy cat. But she has a respected position, and I won’t be able to influence her this time. You need to accept that it may not work out.”
“I’ll deal with that. I’ll take her later in the week.”
“And what about her job? It wasn’t so much of an issue with the others.”
“I was going to go with her today and sort that out, but she’s not the type to just run from her responsibilities. So I’m not sure how that will work out.”
“How about you take her to see Lauren? I’ll call in the morning to see if she’d mind writing out a little note.”
“You think she would,” a hopeful Raven asked.
“Pretty sure,” was the reassuringly calm reply. “I was going to take White with me tomorrow. You think Dark will be okay here on her own for a few hours?”
“I’ll check with her in the morning.”

“Red…are you alright?” A voice whispered behind the startled girl who looked down to see White looking back up at her with a glass of squash in her hand.
“Oh…erm, ah yeah sure, I…I was just wondering where the Mistresses were, and well they umm, they are here and, and err, they’re fine, so I was just going to go back to bed. Oh, how are you by the way?!”
“Dark wanted a drink, so I was just coming back from the kitchen. The Mistresses are often up on the roof at night time.”
“Oh right. Well, I was just heading back to my room.” Red gestured and they both retreated down the stairs.
As they reached the shared corridor, White headed to her door. “Is Dark in with you?” Red thought to ask.
“Yes, she’s okay. She just has bad dreams sometimes.”
“Oh okay. I sure hope she’s alright.” Red reached for the handle on her own door.
“We are both really pleased, you know,” White whispered as Red turned her head to her and smiled. “We’re thrilled you chose to stay in the house.”
All too aware of the conversation she had just overheard, Red was beginning to doubt that her place in the house was as secure as she had first thought. But there was no need in worrying her new friend. “Thank you White, that means a lot to me to hear you say that.” She pushed on her door and walked into her unadorned room, suddenly overcome with a profound sadness, wondering if she would ever get the chance to decorate.After a while, she closed her eyes and did her best to sleep, as echoes of the various conversations over the course of the weekend now bounced off and blended into one another. She was barely drifting off when her bedroom door slowly creaked open, the shadow of her Mistress looming in the doorway.
“Is everything alright Mistress?” The girl bolted upright, fearful that bad news might be coming.
“Yes my dear, just checking on my girls. I see Dark is in with White?”
“Yes, she had a bad dream I believe,” the girl nodded, wondering as ever in the presence of her Mistress what might happen next. So far she had experienced much over the few days with her – from passionate lust to tender care.
“And you’re in here on your own little one?”
“It’s okay. I’m just happy to be here at all Mistress,” the girl responded. “For as long as I’m able to be,” she added, hopeful for some sort of reassurance from her Mistress.
“Come on, come with me. I don’t like the idea of you being the only one sleeping alone tonight.” The woman held out her hand as a still naked Red swung herself out of the bed and took her Mistress’ hand with a smile. She was still a little unsure of where the moment was leading her, but very pleased with what had just been spoken.
The pair walked down the corridor to the main room where Saffron was now asleep.
“In you get, little one,” spoke Raven quietly. The girl promptly crawled onto the bed, carefully doing her best not to wake the sleeping Goddess. The woman slipped in next to her and lay on her back, looking over at the slightly awkward girl laying next to her.
“Relax my dear,” she reassured.
“Sorry Mistress, just another new experience to add to my weekend.”
“A pleasurable list I hope, little one?”
“Oh most definitely! It’s just I…I hope the Goddess doesn’t mind me being here?”
“A devious smile spread across Raven’s face. “Whose idea do you think it was, my pet?”Red’s eyes widened in surprise at that response, but more importantly, she felt the knot of panic that had been slowly taking hold in her stomach begin to release its grip with this much needed reassurance. The Mistress’ fingers extended towards the girl and curled softly around her silk collar. “Come here little one, rest on me.” She gently guided Red’s head to her chest, letting the girl nestle into the silk of her nightgown.

“I don’t sleep very well myself, little one. It’s okay. I’m used to it, and I’m sure you don’t mind keeping me company, do you?”
“Of course not Mistress,” Red whispered back. What she thought, however, was understatement of the year! Laying there, she coiled her arm around her Mistress, savouring the moment as protective arms tightened around her bare back. Her thoughts immediately drifted back to the hotel room. After the passion, she had revelled in the peace, the tenderness, the holding. There was absolutely nowhere else that Red would rather be. This then was one of those moments that the Goddess had spoken of during their chat in the library. A moment to be alone, albeit inches from a sleeping Saffron, but in the arms of her Mistress. Raven’s hands gently caressed the girl like a delicate treasure, from the top of her shoulders down to her ribs, lips gently nuzzling her head though her hair.

“We have a few busy days ahead little one,” the woman whispered. “I’ll take you to work and tell them you won’t be in. Then we can go anywhere you need to, start sorting things out, and getting your belongings from your apartment. I know a couple of friends who can help us with that if need be. We’ll order some new clothes for you, so you won’t need to borrow White’s or Dark’s. Does that sound okay sweetie?”

“Any day would be a perfect day if I get to spend it with you Mistress,” the girl whispered, feeling herself relaxing, safe. It didn’t take long before she had drifted off to sleep.

By the time Red awoke, the Goddess was no longer in the bed with them. In fact, it was Dark who had now joined them, and her Mistress was already awake.

Mistress Raven

Mistress Raven

A journey of self discovery over the last 5 years of my life has led me to who I am now, a confident feminine heel loving bisexual girl in a regular loving relationship with a feminine heel loving lesbian girlfriend. Along side her a dedicated submissive to whom I am Mistress whom I refer to as My Little One. With other special pets who I do my best to care for and nurture both locally and online. Naturally confident, aware of my imposing physical presence at over 5'10 before heels and being aware I tick the box on what the mainstream media currently deems as good looking. I have usually got who or what I want sexually. I don't follow anyone else's rules as a Mistress, finding my own natural way has worked so far. I have a caring protective nature and as with my day job as a teacher, a keen sense to develop and help any submissive willing to allow me to try. I have been medically confirmed as both an insomniac brought on by past events and a nymphomaniac, the latter I do not see as an illness that needs curing. I write, sometimes tragically, always emotionally. A House of Colours was inspired by my life, each character being based on a partner/much loved friend and it's in many ways helped me understand the coexistence of loving more than one person in an intimate way.

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“A House of Colours” Part 11 – Dreams & Dommes

by Mistress Raven time to read: 16 min
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