Reminder to myself

She chose me.

I am lucky enough to have something spectacular. An all in one. What’s an all in one? A relationship that ministers to every facet of my soul. Something I have wanted and needed my whole life.

She’s everything to me. Submissive. Little. Lover. Best friend. Bucket of trouble. Mischievous imp. Sex goddess. Personal slut. Imaginative delight. Lifetime project.

I transmit. She receives. Our frequencies are the same. Always.

Are we perfect? Nope. We’re fucked up. Both of us. In manifold ways. We fall apart like old cars. At that worst possible times. When that happens though, she fixes me. I fix her. We get back in and continue the trip.

Life without her would not be as rich. And so, I’m writing this reminder to myself. Perhaps a few of you dominants/masters/bad ass power tops will read these words and remind yourself of this important fact:

They choose you.

She chose me. To hold her hand. To discipline her. To be a guide in the dark. She picked me. To whisper secrets in her ear. To laugh with. To be her snuggle partner. She gave everything up for me. All of it. Handed me her hopes. Endowed me with her body. Stepped into my dreams and invited me into hers.

She chose me. Every morning, when she wakes up, she has to decide whether or not to choose me again. She can take it away at any time. I’m writing this reminder to myself because I don’t want to be casual about her. Ever.

Being chosen is an awesome responsibility.

They choose you. It’s not the other way around. Remember that when you introduce yourself to her. Remember that before you throw demands around casually. Remember that before you ask for something she can’t give you. Remember that before you break your toy.

A reminder to myself.

I saw this by MisterTimebomb and think the same of my wonderful wife

Jon the nudist

Jon the nudist

Well, my name is Jon the Owner of You Only Wetter a 37-year-old, Poly practicing, Dom with two great kids. I am a happy busy internet geek with a love of all things Google and I love spending time sitting on the sofa watching the latest Dr. Who, Mythbusters or a movie. I am a nudist mostly at home but do like to go down to the beach and bare all or go for a little walk around some hidden woodland really would like to do the whole nudist holiday :)

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Reminder to myself

by Jon the nudist time to read: 2 min
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