Sex Without Orgasm – Karezza
Matt Cook, 51-year-old publisher from Virginia isn’t celibate but hasn’t had an orgasm in seven months, and he hopes never to intentionally have one again. Happily married for 25 years, Cook said his sex life...
couples / Masturbation / Orgasm / relationships / Safe sex / Self-pleasuring / Tantric
by Jon the nudist · Published October 8, 2014
Matt Cook, 51-year-old publisher from Virginia isn’t celibate but hasn’t had an orgasm in seven months, and he hopes never to intentionally have one again. Happily married for 25 years, Cook said his sex life...
couples / ejeculation / Orgasm / relationships / Sex
by Anonymous Blogger · Published October 8, 2014
Experts say orgasm is always possible if the “female penis” is stimulated — premature ejaculation is no excuse! If you are a woman and you think you’ve had a vaginal orgasm, you are wrong! According...
Compelling evidence shows that a certain segment of the Victorian era population were certified freaks who were kind of obsessed with sex.
Its been a couple of week since we all Celebrated Bisexuality Day — a day dedicated to bringing respect, visibility, and awareness to all people who identify as having fluid identities. Since more than...
couples / Dating / relationships / Sex
by Anonymous Blogger · Published October 4, 2014 · Last modified October 6, 2014
It’s a fact of the world: once a month a period happens. So while we should respect this veritable quintessence of life, heres some tips, tricks, and wisdom, consider this a friendly little treatise–...
relationships / Sex / Sex Toys
by Jon the nudist · Published October 2, 2014 · Last modified October 6, 2014
Ever wanted to wear a bathing suit of super tight latex while getting intimate with your lover? Finally, Scroguard is your perfect product. Meet the Scroguard, a latex bodysuit developed by two Atlanta entrepreneurs designed...
hair / Naked / penises / risk / Safe sex / Sex / underwear / lingerie
by Jon the nudist · Published September 27, 2014
Crab lice, the crab-shaped insects that have dwelled in human groins since the beginning of history, are disappearing. Doctors say bikini waxing is why.
When did the declaration of war on pubic hair happen. We are guessing sometime in the last decade because the amount of time, energy, money and emotion both genders spend on abolishing every hair from their...
Stop thinking like a boy and become a man For the majority of us, our teenage years were spent in the pursuit of trying to be, think, and act cool. Unfortunately, a lot of...
ejeculation / Safe sex / Sex
by Anonymous Blogger · Published September 25, 2014 · Last modified September 26, 2014
The September issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology, shows that 31 percent of sexually active women ages 15 to 24 have used Pull out as a form of birth control
British artist Jonathan Yeo, who came up in the art game painting photo-realistic portraits of the rich and famous,
by Jon the nudist · Published September 21, 2014 · Last modified September 22, 2014
In the search of the perfect penis you will notice the penis gets a lot of attention. There’s a fertility festival in Japan called Kanamara Matsuri