Urophilia aka The Piss Fetish
The sexuality of humans has many branches that reach out into the realm of fetishes. In the last few decades the ‘golden shower’ has become woven into pop culture. Golden showers are an aspect of the well-known urine fetish, aka Urophilia. Although it is far from the main focus of this fetish. There are many ways that Urophiles are able to enjoy piss. It’s common for people learning about Urophilia to get squeamish. This is most likely in part to the health risks related to playing around in the urine of other people, perceived or real. There are a few different theories related to how this fetish comes about. It is possible that Urophilia has roots in childhood or in your neural circuitry. Whatever the cause is… people sure are having fun with piss.

There are a few different names for Urophilia: water sports, the golden arts, piss play, etc. Regardless of what you call it, Urophilia is when an individual gets sexual pleasure from engaging with urine.
Urophiles relish in the smell of urine, the warmth of urine, the taste of urine, being urinated on, or urinating on other people. These fetishists can be aroused by the actual urine or they might connect water sports with intimacy and closeness. Still, others are turned on by the humiliation that they feel when they’re pissed on. Some women have reported their orgasms being more intense with a full bladder. This preference often leads to an emptying of the bladder during an orgasm. While Urophilia is one branch of sexuality, it has many branches itself.
When you’re breaking down Urophilia into generalities there are three main facets of it.
- Firstly, the object of urine will act as the focus of the fetish.
- Secondly, urine is used to humiliate the person getting pissed on.
- Thirdly, the urine gets used for ceremonial purposes that arouse the Urophile.

Beyond these three classifications, there are many different kinds of acts that are used to satisfy Urophilia. Urolagnia is a subset of Urophilia, this is a desire to either pee your pants or watch people pee their pants. These Urophiles love to feel the warmth of piss soak throughout their pants and underwear, followed by the chilly cold that results from the cooling piss – unless they love watching this happen to others. There is another subset of Urophilia that matured in Japan, it is called Omoashi. Omoashi is when you force someone to hold their bladder until they are in dire need to unleash their pee. Aficionados of Omoashi get turned on by either doing this or watching those in bladder distress. Yet another subset of Urophilia is Urophagia, which is the drinking of urine. Beyond these subsets with fancy, Latin names, Urophiles also do things like bathe in urine or sniff piss-soaked clothes. While this fetish, with all of its subsets, has wiggled into pop culture there are serious questions as to how widespread it actually is.

Golden showers have become a go-to sex joke in movies, T.V, and many other facets of pop culture. The number of times that we have heard about drinking piss or showering in pee, throughout entertainment, you might be tempted to think that every fifth or sixth person is a Urophile. While there is limited research on the frequency of Urophilia, the little we do have suggests it is rather infrequent when it comes to sexual habits. Jennifer Eve Rehor is a researcher who conducted a survey throughout 2010 and 2011. She surveyed 1,764 people and got 1,580 valid responses on that survey. She came to find that Urophilia was not a common occurrence. Rehor’s survey reported that 36.52% of the participants reported engaging in piss play. Compared to the 93.99% of the subjects who reported getting spanked during sex or the 61.96% of the subjects who reported using feathers during sex. Rehor did state that she thought Urophilia goes under-reported in our society because the fetishists don’t seek help for it, they have very little reason to. The main reason they would have to reach out for help regarding their piss love is the minimal health concerns of ingesting urine.

Generally speaking, splashing urine around will leave you no worse for wear. However, it is important to note that urine is only guaranteed to be sterile if it comes from a healthy person. There are plenty of infections and viruses that could be transferred by ingesting urine or getting the infected pee in open wounds. Bacterial, fungal, and viral infections can live comfortably within urine. Therefore, if that infected piss gets into a cut it’s likely that you’ll be the proud new owner of a nasty infection. Hepatitis B can get bequeathed unto you through urine. Genital herpes can be granted to you as a bothersome gift by engaging in piss play with a sick partner. You can also pick up a brand new culture of Chlamydia or Gonorrhea in your throat after drinking sick piss. It is also possible to acquire the Cytomegalovirus, which gives its host a flu-like feeling, via drinking pee. These health risks do require responsible Urophiles to be careful and ensure that the metaphorical piss-cow they milk is a superb specimen. It would require a fair amount of effort. Yet, despite that effort and these health risks there is an entire population of fetishists that crave piss play. Many sexual researchers make the claim that this sexual craving begins in childhood.
Like with so many fetishes, it is entirely possible that Urophilia is due to behavioral conditioning in childhood.
There are many cases of children being forced to hold in bodily waste, usually during school. Some of these children wind up using masturbation as a way to soothe the pain of a full bladder. If the children employ masturbation often enough in these circumstances they will eventually form an erotic connection to a full bladder. Once they have that erotic connection their fetish can grow from that point on. It isn’t surprising that an erotic connection occurs, even without using the analgesic effect of masturbation. The sex organs and urethra/bladder are so close to one another that it’s inevitable that a certain percentage of kinksters would fetishize piss. There are also cases of children developing a conditioned response of sexual arousal to bladder tension or simply wetting themselves. However, it is important to note that holding in the urine and creating bladder tension has its own health risks. There is a point of no return when it comes to retaining piss where serious damage can occur. By holding your urine for too long you can develop a urinary tract infection, damage can be done to your kidneys, or over-extension of the bladder can occur. The signals between the brain, bladder, and bowels can also weaken by retaining bodily waste for too long(3). While behavioural conditioning in childhood is a popular theory for Urophilia there is another involving your neural activity.
In the 1980s there was a theory put forward by a sex researcher, named John Money, that one cause of Urophilia resides within the way our brains work. Chimpanzees, and other primates, clean their baby’s genitals of urine and shit using their snouts. Chimps slurp their baby’s dick clean. Now, it isn’t unthinkable that humans have the same neural pathways as other primates. We do share a common ancestor after all. John proposed that humans have that lingering neural pathway for infant hygiene within our brains. In other words, we might have areas of the brain that would lead some people to drink piss and eat shit. Those would be the brain regions that would get stimulated when engaging in Urophilia. Fetishes in general remain rather mysterious, so we can’t say for certain the exact cause of Urophilia in any given person. However, it is curious if for no other reason than the disregard of the normal revulsion of bodily waste.
However, it’s when that sexuality veers off into the unknown thicket of a fetish that it becomes intriguing. Particularly when that fetish focuses on an object that most people find disgusting, that is when we enter the world of Urophilia. Urophilia is a worshipping of piss that leads to sexual ecstasy. This fetish includes many different ways to involve urine with the act of fucking. You can feel it, taste it, smell it, or use it to humiliate. Urophilia likely goes largely unreported. Most likely because playing around with piss doesn’t pose a high health risk, there are some but urine is mostly sterile. Regardless of the root cause of a piss fetish, it is one of the more entertaining fetishes to watch.