Beginner’s Guide to Male Chastity
In our normal way of looking at things I bring you a guide to male chastity I want to show you some of the most pressing and critical issues about the lifestyle from the position of couples just getting started with it.
Begin at the Beginning Chastity why and what.
Before we start, it’s important to understand having a chastity husband is nothing new, not “bad” and is certainly nothing for you to be fret over, whether you’re a man who’s coming to terms with his needs, or a wife whose husband has revealed his need for male chastity to you and you’re seeking advice. First, let’s look at what we usually mean when we discuss chastity. In everyday life we generally treat chastity and celibacy as being the same. For our purposes, though, in this basic male chastity guide we’ll assume there are some significant differences:
Chastity: is more about orgasm denial. So what we’re not suggesting is simply not making love or engaging in sexual activity. Quite the reverse: spouses who live a male chastity lifestyle generally find they are not only enjoying increased sexual activity, but find themselves actually enjoying it much more than they ever thought they could. What we are talking about is the partner taking control of there lover’s climax and not allowing him to reach one unless they says he can.
Celibacy: Is where you just don’t engage in sexual activity, perhaps because you’re without a partner, or you’re unable to have sexual relations for whatever reasons, or you’ve taken a vow of celibacy or perhaps there could be
another reason we can’t even begin to imagine. Interestingly, someone who celibates may well have more orgasms than someone who’s living the male chastity lifestyle, just because a celibate man can masturbate, but a chaste man can’t.
Who Is Male Chastity Best For?
It has been said that any fundamentally sound relationship can benefit from male chastity, the reasons are at the same time both complicated and simple as you’ll discover in this male chastity guide. we are betting if you enjoy a healthy sex-life and you’re not incredibly prudish about sex, or painfully shy, then you’ve already dabbled with enjoyed male chastity play. we have all been in that situation where a loved one wants you not to cum even for short sessions of orgasm denial this is just the start and can start at teasing at one end of the scale, all the way to unending orgasm denial at the other.
Is Male Chastity NOT Right For You?
If you’re in a relationship and you really don’t like each other and you’re living in mutual celibacy as a choice because you just can’t stand the idea of him touching you this male chastity guide won’t be much help to either of you or if you’re in this kind of relationship and your husband has come to you with the notion of embracing a male chastity lifestyle and you feel this is your way of making sure you don’t ever have to have any manner of sexual contact with him ever again then I think you’re making a massive mistake.
Why Embrace the Male Chastity Lifestyle?
This chastity guide is intended to point you the right direction and give you some techniques to improve your relationship by vastly improving the affection you feel for each other, making you grow even closer together, and allowing you to develop a much richer, deeper and more satisfying understanding of each other’s sexuality this is all with the understanding that you are secure and your love for one another remains undiminished, even if the fires of lust are not now burning so bright as they have in the past, male chastity is certainly something you can safely consider at least giving a go.
So How Do I Get Started with Male Chastity
Improving your relationship in all areas and as a result improve your entire life is the start and because of that it’s crucial to understand no matter which how you approach it, what you do or how you decide to follow your male chastity lifestyle, if it’s acceptable to you both, then that’s all you should care about. There is a temptation to dive straight in at the deep-end by rushing out and getting a chastity device and thinking you can just lock it on and remain secure for a long time. And you will certainly read accounts exactly like that all over the Internet but these are not so true. Male chastity is the same as any other aspect of your marriage, you don’t want to rush into it and at best be disappointed and at worst unnecessarily spoil something wonderful you wouldn’t have spoiled if you’d just taken your time.
I suggest you read this guide together or at least you’re both at a point where you’re talking about the male chastity lifestyle as an avenue you’re willing to explore. There are many simple, comfortable and low-key ways to broach the subject with your partner whether you’re a man or a woman, but one very simple way I share with you in a different article is to make use of male chastity stories. First, start with some gentle chastity play. Agree in advance you want him to please you any way he likes, but make it clear you won’t allow him to have penetrative sex with you and he’ll have to engage his imagination.
A massage is a great way to begin, and then remember he has fingers and a tongue the first time this might be uncomfortable because it’s new territory for both of you. Promise him you’ll make love to him again the next morning and allow him to come if he pleases you tonight. That way he’s not got too long to suffer and he is unlikely to get moody and wanting. After a few times start to lengthen the time you’re going to make him wait a little: maybe the next night, or the weekend.
If this is working well and both of you feel comfortable with the next stage, you can invest in a basic chastity device. Now, there are literally hundreds of these things available head over to the shop to have a look at some.
I would suggest you settle for something simple and not too expensive (yeah I know what the hell I sell them and I want you to buy a cheap one), like the plastic devices tend to be and see how it suits you. In our experience with gentle play, the plastic device works but not good for long-term wear, All you can do is try one out and see how it is for you.
Just don’t expect too much too quickly.
At some point, you’re almost certainly going to find you want to progress a little. Now, there are no sure fire rules about this and it’s absolutely vital to discover what suits you and your partner. Don’t get tied up and try to follow what so many people in the “community” will demand you “have to” do, some people I know have done this and this is thoroughly unpleasant. You will get to a point at which you are comfortable, and from this point I would recommend you get the most expensive device or belt you can stretch to because there’s nothing quite a disappointing device you have to give up on because it’s not suitable for wearing for the length of time you want him to wear it!
Last Bits of Advice
You’ll ultimately determine what works best for you both and that’s the only thing you want to concern yourself with. Bear in mind male chastity is meant to be pleasurable for you both. I know there’s some teasing in it but you have to be the judge of when his “no” means “yes”, and when “no” really is a “no” You must be strong. Yes, it seems like a contradiction to what I’ve just said, but you must remember he has begged for this, or he’s at least agreed to it if the idea is yours.