Why not try a bit of Anal fingering (its great)
So the title got you interested in attempting some anal sex? It doesn’t have to just be your dick or some toys why not start with your fingers. They’re small and nimble; ideal starting points to amp up your fun without needing too much preparation. Get your fingers in the back door comfortably and pleasurably with our comprehensive guide to anal fingering. Approaching the back door can be awfully intimidating if you’re a newbie to the behind. Let’s be honest, it’s a taboo ridden zone. What if it’s not clean? Does liking anal play make me gay? Will it be painful? Stop worrying! Love the endless ways your body can give you pleasure.
Why anal fingering?
The anus is packed with nerve endings. For men especially, paying attention to the anus is pleasurable because it stimulates the prostate. Women can be stimulated in their vagina and anus at the same time for a special kind of pleasure that stimulates their G-Spot. It can be a part of foreplay, sex or individual masturbation. Communicate with your partner, see what he or she would like to do and try out these tips for getting your digits inside the ass.
Get yourself ready
Ok so getting started for some anal fingering needs a little prep your fingers are rough and even a little knick on a fingernails will be super sharp. The lining of the rectum is thin so to avoid tearing or discomfort, soften your hands with lotion and cut down your nails. i normally choose to wear a latex or rubber glove like a doctor 😛 just to help out but also using a glove or even a condom provides protection from STIs and will certainly calm your nerves if either partner is anxious about cleanliness. It will also prevent bacteria or solid waste from collecting under your fingernails.
Relaxation is essential for accepting a finger in the anus, but we’ll get to that next. Remember to always have a bottle of lubricant on hand. Lubing up your fingers before entering the anus is a must. Unlike the vagina, the anus and rectum are not self-lubricating.
Start out with foreplay, relax your lover
I especially recommend starting out anal fingering with oral sex, rimming is a great way to move the to anal play after but it’s right near the pussy so you can jump back if things get a little odd This erotic act will arouse your partner. Before you try slipping a finger in, your partner should be aroused mentally and physically. Otherwise, entering the anus may be painful and uncomfortable. Do not push through if the anus is tensed, it’s best to gradually build up the excitement for anal entry and relax the receiver by massaging the anus, applying pressure and circling your finger around the anus, Be patient and don’t rush your finger inside.
OH MY GOD my fingers in your bum
You’ve been teasing and caressing the anus. using lube makes the process much more pleasurable and less painful. One finger at a time is the place to start. Use your little finger, getting inside takes patience. Make sure your play partner breathes deeply and relaxes the anal muscles. Watch their reactions to judge whether you should try going deeper. Getting past the sphincter is the painful part. Never use a numbing lube to expedite the process. The receiver needs to feel what is going on in order to prevent damage and soreness later. It may be too much, but you can always try again in the future. For beginners, getting one finger in at first is great. Remember that once your finger are inside, don’t put them anywhere else until you’ve washed them.
While pulling in and out may seem like a great idea
Most beginners feel pain so avoid this motion. I tend to wiggle and vibrate your finger, also spin your finger inside by rotating your hand. Move your finger in large circles or focus on specific spots with small circles. Once your partner relaxes, you can even try inserting more fingers. With a guy, locate his prostate, a firm bulge a few inches inside toward the belly button. With your finger palm side up, make a “come hither” motion on the P-Spot. He’ll especially love anal fingering as a simultaneous action during climax.