What Your Favorite Princes Look Like Naked
Ok now i have your interest i am going to disappoint you, you are not going to be seeing any living real Princes like, Prince Harry’s or any of the real Royal Family. But i am going to show you how your Disney Princes from your childhood look without their clothes :). Jezebel came up with the descriptions then passed those specifications on to Gawker Media staff illustrator Tara Jacoby who turned their visions of Disney dicks into actual erotic portraiture, and i thought id show you our favorite ones in the office 🙂
Our first choice of Princes had to be Prince Charming
Obviously, the perfect guy has the perfect dick: like eight or nine inches, thick—but not too thick otherwise it’s painful—rock hard with a nice throbbing vein. He’s groomed perfectly in a way that’s considerate of lovers without being too gay porn-y about it. He’s standing in front of the fireplace that Cinderella no longer has to rake, arm draped over the mantle.
Our Number 2 is Aladdin
His baggy pants have allowed his testicles to grow without constraint, so he has big, huge, droopy balls. He’s limp because, like a magic lamp, you have to rub it to get it to do anything. This one’s a grower, not a show-er.
Third up is Flynn
This dick has personality—a little sass and a curve. It’s fleshy with one big vein; hard and up on his belly. His pubes are short and look kind of like his goatee. He’s tied down to the bed with Rapunzel’s hair.
Cumming in fourth place is Kristoff
He has blond pubes and big, full, round, firm balls. His dick is on the shorter side, but really super thick—like a Coke can—even when flaccid. He hangs out with the trolls when he’s nude.
Last but not least in fifth Li Shang
As a military man, he has very precise pubes. Also, he looks kind of ‘roids-y so his balls are like two marbles. His flaccid dick hangs over his balls like a long nose. He’s hanging out—literally — by of one of his tents at training camp.
You can head over to the Jezebel page (Here) and check out all the collection if you think we have missed someone off from the top ten then comment below and tell us why!!!